
University South-East Norway (USN). The university has organised the strongest research environments into research groups and research centres that reflect its academic profile. USN has particularly strong regional ties and a focus on applied research. All academic programmes are research-based, and students are involved in research projects from the early stages of their education. USN researchers conduct research that is closely linked to the academic programmes. Research is often linked to supervised professional training and the needs of business and industry in the region.
The Department of Process, Energy and Environmental Technology (PEET), Faculty of Technology, Natural Sciences and Maritime Sciences, the University South-east Norway (USN) is participating in several H2020 and other RI projects. The faculty is also looking for new project opportunities within Horizon Europe. Research is an integrated part of the curricula in all educational programmes. The faculty has for long established good cooperation with public entities and local industrial partners, representing both multinational companies and national and regional SMBs. The industry is contributing to the development of educational programmes as well as research and innovation projects. The research and teaching staff has well established networks and collaborate on scientific publications in international peer-reviewed journals. The participation of the ENRICH project of USN shall enhance the project dissemination through education, which is not included in the H2020 project plan for dissemination.
Contact: Jarle T. Bjerkholt, Professor, Dept. of Process, Energy and Environmental Technology (PEET), Faculty of Technology, Natural and Maritime Sciences, USN.