About CSDI
Foundation CSDI WaterTech was established in 2015, operating also as a Centre for Sustainable and Innovative Development of Water Technologies. Our goal is to contribute to societal safety and better quality of life through development and dissemination of water-related technologies, including stormwater management, flood simulation and protection, solutions to climate adaptation and mitigation, water pollution control and Environment protection, hydropower and renewable energy, and new material.
Our main activities are:
- Develop R&D projects.
- Develop method and software tools within water and environmental areas.
- Develop and strengthen professional networking and collaboration partnership.
- Contribute to knowledge dissemination and exploitation.
- Collaborate with universities, co-supervising PhD, Master and Bachelor students, contribute to scientific publications.
- Organise training courses, seminars, contribute to international conferences within our focal areas.
The goal of CSDI will be achieved through close collaboration with universities, research institutes, public and private sectors in Norway, Europe and other countries in the world.
CSDI will provide opportunities and for young researchers, female professionals, entrepreneurs, and Master and PhD students in water and environmental areas.
Organization chart
Our Vision

CSDI’s Gender Equality Plan (GEP)
CSDI has developed its Gender Equality Plan (GEP) aligned to the requirements of the eligibility criteria in the Horizon Europe work programme. The GEP has entered into force since 01 January 2022.
Our objective of the GEP is to develop CSDI a gender equality organization.
CSDI has been working to recruit people according to their scientific background and qualifications. One can observe the gender equality from its management level to research, and its daily operation. CSDI has employed a female CEO since it is established. Especially, CSDI gives priority to female researchers when they are qualified for the activities or tasks. In our current employees, 60% are male and 40% female employees. All full-time and part-time employees have Master and PhD degrees. We also encourage female research candidates to participate in our research and innovation activities, provide opportunity for their career development.
In the future, our goal is to achieve gender balance in research and innovation activities within CSDI. Our GEP will fulfil the requirements set out in the General Annexes to Horizon Europe. In addition, CSDI is subject to the Norwegian Equality and Anti-discrimination Act. We make efforts to create an open, competitive, and collaborative environment regardless their gender, age and regions, thus, to promote equality and prevent discrimination in our organization.
Annual reports